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It’s been an incredible journey and still so far to go.

Still more to learn, more content to create, more fighting to do.

However being on this journey for so long has taught me so much.

If I could go back in time 10 years and speak to my former self about the awakening journey and how to relate to the people around you, these 10 lessons would be what I would impart.

Most of the items in this list come from learning the hard way, hopefully seekers new and old can learn from what has come from 1000s and 1000s of hours of personal development, spiritual progression, conscious conversation, research, experimentation and contemplation.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my awakening journey these past 10 years.

I do this to serve God and humanity, you amazing people make it all worthwhile.

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1. You can’t force someone to wake up


We all want everyone to wake up tomorrow, right!?

Well, realistically that isn’t going to happen anytime soon, and may never happen. There could be people this lifetime who aren’t capable of having an awakening. I believe these people are in the minority though.

Most people are at least capable of waking up.

However, it’s like even the right or honour of being on the awakening journey itself has to be fought for in a way.

As this is the best way to live with plenty of rewards (and challenges) on the way, it makes sense people have to some degree earn the right to even begin the journey.

We can shout at people until we are blue in the face, if they are not ready they are not ready. In fact, someone who has not yet reached the precipice of awakening of their own devices and you then try and force wake someone up you may actually push them in the opposite direction, further asleep.

Cognitive dissonance is a real thing and ties in with the law of confusion.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least plant the seed if the opportunity arises to see if it may land in fertile ground to grow on its own.

People will wake up in their own time.

Having gone through my romantic rebellious stage to the extreme when I first woke up, even to the point of ruining a few family dinners, I realised that my efforts see a far greater return when focusing on people who are already on the awakening journey and serving them.

We can assist those on the awakening journey and they can assist us. Progression would be hugely hindered if the seeker chose to go it all alone.

They would be throwing away one of the jewels of this day and age and that is access to information.

This ties nicely into the next point.


2. You can’t do the work for another


You can find people to walk the path with side by side, or engage in the leader and follower dynamic. You cannot walk the path for anyone else though.

No matter how hard you try, they have to learn their own lessons at their own pace, never mind how frustratingly slow that pace may be!

When we look at the ultimate reason for our existence, spiritual evolution I believe is our highest calling.

If that is the case then trying to do the work for someone else would take something away from them that they need to experience.

You see it with children, if you simply tell them the answer to a problem then they do not develop the mental ability to figure out problems for themselves.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats forever.

You can’t eat for another, you can’t meditate for another, you cannot walk this path for another.

What you can do is work together on projects, talk, discuss and brainstorm new ideas. Impart what you have learnt to see if it can help speed up the rate of learning for the individual.


3. Spirituality helps balance out the negativity


Ok it’s pretty dark out there. A lot of what is happening to our species is satanic and demonic.

The most beautiful creation on the planet has in many ways been subverted and perverted from its true divine potential.

Then if you care to dabble into the alien and occult side of things with this place being a form of energy harvesting prison, then really things get dark.

One has to be incredibly wary of not becoming black pilled.

This perspective and resulting frequency range that is generated from dwelling in a black pilled mind state actually feeds the very forces we are fighting against.

To balance all of this negativity out, I have found a spiritual practice to be essential.

I am grateful to myself for discovering practices like meditation and Qi Gong early on in my awakening journey.

Continual practice of these techniques coupled with deep and sincere research into the esoteric side of reality has given birth to perspectives that counter balance the negativity.

Evil has a huge amount of control and power, but the divine is ultimately in control…

This place is a satanic energy harvesting prison, but at the same time is a spiritual gym and school for the soul to test itself against and learn from…

In the destruction and defeating of evil, positive forces learn more about themselves and experience what it means to be at a greater level of service to others.

None of that would be possible without advanced negative beings to provide the friction for spiritual evolution to occur.

At least on this planet, at this time, it appears we need evil. For how long, thats another question…


4. Evil has its place


This is an interesting perspective that when understood proves to be very beneficial when contemplating the greater existence of humanity and why things are they way they are here.

Evil has its place, some people have chose to be evil and wish to evolve as far as they can along a path of service to self.

This choice has to be respected and I do believe the divine NEEDS evil right now. It needs high level intelligent sinister evil beings so the positive forces sharpen their sword in the process of fighting back.

Karma work would differently for a being that has chose to be evil.

Saying the bad guys will get their karma one day I believe stems from a misunderstanding of karma itself.

Karma is a teaching mechanism.

If you have chosen to be a good person and align yourself with the highest good in this world, great!

However, if you do this and then act in a way that goes against this chosen polarity then you will receive lessons in the future to help you understand where you went wrong, how you hurt others so that you learn and can correct your actions in the future.

If you choose the path of evil, why would you need to learn about empathy, compassion and being a good honest, trustworthy reliable person?

You wouldn’t. You would need experiences to flex your evil muscles.

Different is this to someone who is curious and dabbling. Here I am talking about elite evil.

Evil has its place and thats ultimately to serve the good so we can evolve and develop ourselves to our highest potential.


5. There’s a whole team of us


This is something I believe I have been blessed to experience because I know what its like for a lot of people to be completely alone in the way they think and their awakening journey.

Early on, although I do believe I was the first to wake up, my close friendship circle wasn’t too far behind. I always had this nucleus of awake people to speak to.

This was magnified in many ways when I traveled the world. Something I did for 4 years and never really stopped, another story for another time.

Thankfully whilst I was exploring the world I would find all these awesome people to have conscious conversations with.

What was so common was how the people I would speak to would say I am the first or one of the first people they have ever had the chance to speak to about these subjects.

it became almost comical when people would say this to me.

I just kept saying you wouldn’t believe how many people I have met who think like us.

We are a big team, spread out across the world. Our numbers are increasing daily


6. Overcome the prison in your mind first


The most powerful change you can ever make if you want to see a better world is to personally develop.

The matrix imprints limiting believes into our minds from a young age.

Much of the thoughts/feelings/actions we experience come from negative programming from the matrix.

It’s a harsh truth but truth nonetheless, even children born into awakened families would have been exposed to the negativity of society in one way or another.

When we are young the mind is even more malleable than it already is. If we don’t do anything about the negative programming we receive then it can have an impact on the rest of our lives.

However the empowering thing is we CAN do something about this if we choose to do so.

Practices like mediation, tools and techniques like affirmations positively program the mind.

Also should all the true evil bad guys disappear tomorrow yet humanity hasn’t evolved to a high enough level then we would end up in a similar situation given enough time.

This also ties into the dark side of activism where people are continually focusing on all the problems out there without engaging in sincere self work to fight the demons inside.

Change comes from within first.

7. One person can change the world

Now this is something that is amazing to think about.

That you, this person reading this article, has the potential within them to completely transform this world around us.

I do believe our ability to change the world around us is tied to our vibration, level of being, and soul development. You can increase your free will or better utilise it.

I have witnessed first hand in my own life how just one idea executed correctly can completely transform the world around us.

This is why it is so important for people to develop spiritually.

It’s how we truly win this, activism is good but limited. Spiritual activism is a higher subset of regular activism. 

I have created projects in the past that have gone viral and influenced the thinking and actions of millions of people.

Who knows how much of a positive impact this has had on this timeline.

If you haven’t already realised the power you have within you to change the world around you, give it some thought. You are a creator, a world changer!

8. Awakening momentum

Awakening momentum is the rate at which humanity is transitioning from a sleeping state to its awakening journey.

This is an interesting metric to ponder and I believe it peaked during the height of the covid madness.

Essentially if everyone woke up tomorrow it would be absolute chaos because much of what we rely on for our day to day living is tied into the matrix and held together by peoples belief in the system.

This also ties into how people have to come to the light of their own accord as was mentioned earlier.

We can have an impact on this rate, but really, how quickly people wake up isn’t something we have control over.

Speaking of something not having complete control…

9. The good guys have a lot of power

This is important to realise and ties into how spirituality can help offset the potential black-pilling that can daunt seekers.

The bad guys do not have complete control here, far from it.

I do believe a lot of what is put out by evil forces is to paint the illusion of complete control.

Evil forces also would know that someone awake or waking up is more powerful than someone asleep.

This would then suggest that a portion of the evil forces efforts is utilised in the targeting of the awake community.

How do they do this? They use our own power against ourselves.

This was very obvious during covid. I saw it happen time and time again.

Our enemies would begin to seed the idea of potential restrictions happening in the future and awake people would latch onto this, share the material and then say with absolute confidence “aha more restrictions MUST be coming”.

They literally used our own power against us to spread the fear. Part of this works because evil forces have presented themselves to be all powerful.

They do have a lot of power and control, no doubt. Not complete control though, or unyielding power.

The divine has a far greater presence in this reality than often given credit. Probably because the wisdom and patience of positive forces allows them to have compassion for us to work out our lessons and only would intervene if asked or absolutely necessary.

Spiritual evolution is the name of the game and those lessons have to be learned one way or another.


10. We have to evolve to truly win this


To win this in the long term, or at the very least secure the possibility for people who choose to be free to have the option to follow a path that leads them to their spiritual destiny, we need to evolve.

This has been covered in the previous points but it deserves its own place in this list because it is so crucial.

We have the power to do this, will we achieve our full potential?

Well that lies with you, it lies with me, it lies with everyone who chooses to align with positivity.

Change comes from within first and then this leads to a better outer reality.

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Well there we have it. Hopefully now having read this article you are now better equipped to go into the world fighting and creating.

Doing your part to assist in the spiritual war.

These 10 gems of knowledge have come at a great price. The beauty of the internet is I can share my findings to the world and the rate of evolution increases!

Should you wish to deepen your journey and walk part of the path with me, my coaching services are available for any sincere seeker.

Good luck out there my spiritual brothers & sisters.


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