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What is awakening momentum?

The rate at which humanity is transitioning from the sleeping state to their awakening journey.

There is good reason for the rate at which people wake up to be gradual. If everyone were to realise tomorrow the entire system is corrupt then the entire thing would collapse in of itself and right now The Matrix has control over a huge part of human society and mind-space.

No doubt, people are waking up. We can even say that right now there are more people awake than ever before. This is incredibly inspiring. The awakening momentum also does seem to be increasing.

Covid definitely provided a spike, and I am not just talking about dodgy vaccines.

A poll  showed that over 30% of people had begun their journey of awakening in the past 2 years. We can thank the lunacy of the whole Covid narrative for the silver lining in that the madness served to wake people up.

The Matrix is caught in its own game.

It has to keep pushing, it can’t stop. The more the Matrix pushes, the more people feel the pain of being asleep and complying with further ridiculousness the more they are pushed to wake up.

Its non-compliance or slavery. Freedom or bondage. What do you choose?


Can we increase the awakening momentum?


Yes absolutely. In fact, I would say that it is a responsibility for anybody on the awakening journey to turn around and help those behind them. It’s really easy to help someone else on their journey when you have made part of the journey already.

You don’t have to be an awakening expert with 10+ years experience. All you need is more knowledge, better perspectives and useful tips to pass down to those who know less.

There is hierarchy, just like everything in human life, this is a good thing. Learning from those who are more evolved can greatly assist our evolutionary journey. Even in the archetypal stories of sages, monks, warriors, the mentor/teacher character is prevalent, and for good reason.

Although nobody can do the learning for you and the journey is ultimately different for everyone, learning the lessons of those who are further ahead can save huge amounts of time and we live in the most abundant age of information in recorded history with the worlds knowledge at our finger tips.

What is more of a challenge is finding useful and worthy content to consume and teachers to learn from and listen to.

On top of that The Matrix has muddied the waters, mixing lies with truth and planting disempowering information in not only key parts of the digital world but also the collective human consciousness. Collective limiting beliefs, can you think of any?

Discernment, critical thinking, utilising intuition and getting good at feeling out the vibe, intention or potential perspectives generated behind information is absolutely vital in this day and age.

To increase our discernment and to improve the awakening momentum it’s best we evolve spiritually to the highest level we can.

This process is on-going and may never actually stop but let’s say we can aim to be the best version of ourselves day in and day out. Achieving and extracting the most out of each day.

You know when you reach the pillow at the end of a long day whether or not its been a productive day, or a fulfilling and enjoyable day.

If a repeated pattern is that by the time your eyes close at night you are not overwhelming satisfied with what you have done, action must be taken to get on track.


Can the awakening momentum slow down?


Yes. We can see that during the covid era huge swathes of people woke up very quickly and now things have calmed down a bit. However, the overall average is increasing because the situation although not as dire as covid, is still ridiculous.

The Climate Con push will undoubtedly wake up huge swathes of people. This agenda is still being rolled out daily.

You see it in so many different avenues and huge amounts of money is poured into having people believe the climate changing is all humans fault and the only solution is to tax everyone.

With the cost of living increasing due to mismanagement of our society by the corrupt matrix, how far will people allow it to go before they wake up?

The European union recently announced an attempt to roll out a carbon tax by 2027.

Pascal Canfin, chairman of the parliaments environmental committee said this move alone is political suicide.

I bet this will accelerate the awakening momentum.


We are in a great awakening


Truly the times we are in are absolutely critical in the development of humanity.

What is empowering is that if you are on this journey and you want to do your part, the opportunities to be of service are abundant.

If you are seeking to add meaning and depth to your life, to positively assist humanity, to fulfil your destiny whilst on this planet the world is your oyster!

I invite you to tap into a feeling of excitement and wonderment.

You have a role to play in this awakening, you have been born at this time, this crucial juncture in the evolution of the species to take up metaphysical arms and join rank in the spiritual war going on.

Waking up, realising tax, banks, media, government and all the other arms of the matrix are corrupt and working together to try enslave humanity are only the first steps.


The next level is spiritual evolution.


This is how we can maximise our service. There are passive benefits to this in as much as the more awesome we make our reality, the higher our vibe, the more transcendent frequencies we pull into our mind/body/soul the greater power our vote to the collective experience is.

Think of the collective human consciousness as like a massive body of water. Each person is contributing their own colour, their own imprint onto the water.

When you have a high vibe existence you are sending that out into the collective consciousness, rippling through the ‘water’ and it has an effect, even if only subtle, on the collective consciousness of humanity. This alters the probability of what happens at a collective level.

That’s before we even start on how your vibe has an impact on all the people you interact with all the time!

Then your actions have even greater potential to alter this world!

Truly the possibilities are endless. There is no need to be feeling disillusioned with a lack of purpose in this world if you feel deep within yourself you are here for something greater than the 9-5 matrix till you die life.

That feeling is actually natural in as much as you are rejecting the matrix, but who is there to help people on their awakening journey?

Its not like there are schools lessons like ‘5 steps to begin transcending the matrix’ or ‘free heart opening meditations’.

Luckily, the school of spiritual evolution is always open. It’s doors never close and the teachers are always in search of new students. Those that can learn effectively, efficiently and are ready to take up metaphysical arms against the matrix. The curriculum is nigh on endless and the rewards for embarking on the path are abundant.

How to wake people up?


This is a brilliant question.

I know what it’s like. We see the evil around us and our sense of urgency calls out and we feel like we need everyone to wake up, right now!

The answer is simple, you can’t!

This is frustrating as it is liberating. The problem is amplified if we have sleepers within the family and they are slumbering into seriously dangerous choices like taking experimental drugs.

Alas, free will rules in this realm…

The thing is, nobody can wake another up other than themselves!

What you can do though at the minimum is plant seeds and leave them to develop on their own merit. Otherwise its far more efficient to help those already awakening.

Awakening has to be an internal process. This I believe has in almost unexplainable ways being programmed on purpose for the aforementioned reasons…

If it was super easy to wake people up and boom tomorrow we made a video which got 1billion views and woke up damn near everyone, the ENTIRE world would collapse into chaos.

There is a greater metaphysical game/evolution happening here. People must choose from within to wake up, less our words fall on deaf ears and ignorance is protected with the law of confusion and cognitive dissonance.

At the moment, to come onto the amazing divine time line it must be earned, nobody gets to live in the utopia who doesn’t deserve it. Now maybe in the future the good guys get so much power the entire landscape and role of the planet changes and the lesson criteria gets an upgrade and different experiences play out here.

Right now though the game is spiritual evolution via awakening to the darkness.

The danger lies of course though if good people do nothing, no content is created that assists those who are awakened and the bad guys get too much power leaving no ability to transcend and escape.

So long as people like me and you exist to fight back, evolve and assist, I can’t see the matrix ever winning this fight. It might just be a consistent tug of war with only the best making it out?

Maybe that’s the role of this planet. To be the grinder upon which soul progression happens and then once everything has been squeezed out from living in these conditions life on other planets or even densities could be possible.

Right now though, there is a humanity crying out for salvation of its soul. We can speed up the awakening momentum by finding our purpose, evolving daily, connecting to god and taking on the matrix full force.



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