Connect To God Without Religion

This life changing course features:

🍒 The history of God
🍒 The history of religion in the UK
🍒 Lots of cherries
🍒 The connection needed to never feel alone
🍒 8 x video lessons
🍒 2 x guided meditations
🍒 No bullshit
🍒 Life changing information
🍒 Praying best practices
🍒 Unpacking the mysteries of Grace
🍒 How to develop a strong faith muscle
🍒 How to develop our own unique connection to God
🍒 And so much more!

Hello seeker.

It would be an honour to help you develop the most important connection available to us, our connection to our creator. That’s why this course – although containing high quality life changing information – is very reasonably priced to allow for as many people as possible to take advantage of this incredible knowledge.

Building your connection to God will be the best investment you will ever make and I am so excited to be able to share this with you. I’m 12 years deep on my spiritual journey and yet everyday I reap the benefits of having God in my reality and on side. I mean, why wouldn’t you want to have this infinitely wise and powerful ally that loves you completely?

In the west Christianity has held the monopoly on connecting to God for centuries. Thankfully we are now living through an opportunity where freedom of spirituality is a thing and now it’s time to take advantage of that and see just what we can achieve in these amazing spiritual conditions.

There is no need to let Religion get in the way of our connection to God. In this course I will teach you exactly how you can develop your unique connection to God. We will cover a brief history of Religion and God and how we got to where we are now, as well as unpacking what God is and more.

Connecting to God is the most important process to begin for any sincere seeker looking to take advantage of the incredible benefits spiritual eclecticism (The cherry picked way) brings.

This course perfectly compliments my latest book: Spirituality, Without The Bullshit. When you combine this course with this book, you will see your spiritual progression soar.



more information

Problems that can arise when we have no connection to God:

– Seek this deep and meaningful connection in others
– Sense of loneliness
– No luck with romantic relationships
– Lack of purpose
– More likely to end up black pilled
– Lack of balanced positivity
– Limited divine grace
– Easier to succumb to low vibes
– Lower overall wellbeing
– Feelings of being lost and not ‘fitting in’
– Bad ‘luck’

If any or all of those are you, no worries, you’ve found the cure!

People connected to God enjoy:

– Higher levels of morality
– More divine magic and synchronicity
– Never feeling alone
– Better ‘luck’
– Greater peace of mind
– Clear sense of purpose and direction
– Quicker spiritual development
– A richer and more vibrant experience of life
– Assistance in so many forms from the most powerful being around


1. God in 2024
2. Why We Don’t Need Religion
3. Connecting to God Saves Humanity
4. God Above & Behind Our Society
5. Embedding God into Your Reality
6. Prayer
7. Faith
8. Grace

Guided meditations:

1. The layers to God’s heart
2. Connecting to the mind of the divine


The 3rd chapter of my book – Spirituality, Without The Bullshit – which is dedicated to God and connecting to God.

The course will be first be delivered live via zoom (limited spaces) on Monday September 2nd at 7pm 2024.  You can join live if you want to and have an opportunity to ask questions at the end, after that it will always be available for download for you to go over as many times as you want to extract all the gems and cherries. 

What are you waiting for?

Change your life, connect to God.

Ready to take your life to the next level?

Learn What No Bullshit Spirituality Can Do For You.