What Is Qi Gong?

Qi Gong is an amazing modality practiced by 10’s of millions of people and is gaining popularity around the world. Originating in China and over 4000 years old, the practice has stood the test of time. Qi Gong is all about gathering energy and then moving it around the body for vitality, healing, longeivity and so much more. When there is more Chi in the body, every bodily function works better. For example, with more Chi you will have greater energy levels throughout the day, and then if you practice just before going to bed, getting to sleep will be easier.

To understand how Qi Gong works, we need a basic understanding of the energy systems of the body. In the East the energy pathways of the body – the meridians – are common knowledge.

The Meridian Systems Of The Body

What is fascinating is how the energy pathways in the body can cause disease in the physical body. With the western medicine model, there is never ANY attention paid to anything outside of the 5 physical senses. If we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, even though we literally only see 1% of everything around us and 99% of reality is invisible to our sight. We suffer greatly and unnecessarily for this gap in our understanding.

Mega money is being made by big pharma by constantly masking the symptoms of problems instead of focusing on the actual true solution. Not every disease in the body will be caused by blocked meridians, however, some most certainly are and to disregard this side of our bodies completely is a massive blunder.

As the saying goes for big pharma:
A patient cured is a customer lost.

A good entry point for westerners to understand Qi Gong is Acupuncture

At least with acupuncture there is something our limited vision can see – the needles. Many of you reading this may have heard anecdotally about how Acupuncture has helped someone with something. 

For example: I will never forget the wonderful smile this French woman had when we were walking down a serene path in the New Zealand countryside and she was telling me the story of how Acupuncture helped her period pains. Every month like clockwork when her period would come around she would have severe period pains. Obviously this sucked so she sought out treatment. After an acupuncture treatment her period pains were obliterated and she has been pretty much period pain free ever since. How kool is that.

Within the meridian system there are specific points from where to place the needles. When the needles are in the body this can help unblock stuck or stagnant energy, increasing energy flow and this in turn can alleviate a problem in the body that was being caused by insufficient Chi. Some peoples illness is being caused by lack of energy flow so more energy flow and boom, problem solved. Like a plant that is totally ok but just needs some water, this can be all it takes. Instead the western medicine model, instead of trying to add more water first would pump the plant full of hormones, chemicals and who knows what to treat the symptoms of a lack of water, instead of just watering the plant!

With Qi Gong you are not seen as a patient to be cured, you are seen as student on their learning and healing journey. With Qi Gong you can recreate similar effects found from Acupuncture. Instead of using needles to clear blocked energy, you use energy. For some people they will prefer this because it is a non invasive form of treatment. You can go to a Qi Gong healer much in the same way people go to Reiki for healing. However the main focus of Qi Gong is to train people to be able to heal themselves. You will learn different techniques and movements. The effectiveness of how much energy you can channel into yourself will be determined primarily by how much you can focus.

For example – in my Golden Handshake Qi Gong practice – you don’t need to put the body in any crazy kinda positions, all you do is move your hands around your body and focus on the visualisations and sensations same for the Tai Chi Ball. The more you focus, the more powerful this technique is. Qi Gong is a natural stepping stone after we get good at meditation. I would always advocate for people to develop a strong focus muscle first with a focused meditation technique like body scan meditation and then this focus translates perfectly into Qi Gong. Also it’s useful to know what happens to the body when Qi moves and the body starts to heal

What Are The Benefits Of A Qi Gong Practice?

There are so many benefits from engaging in a sincere Qi Gong practice. 

A good way to look at Chi is like one the currencies of the body. Your body will spend Chi on all of the different processes throughout your body whether it is the synthesization of new cells, absorbing nutrients from food, regulating hormones and more. 

A dedicated Qi Gong practice will see you enjoy:

– Stress reduction

– Improved energy levels

– Greater clarity of mind

– Improved memory

– Falling asleep faster

– Better quality of sleep

– Deeper connection on your spiritual path

– Better digestion 

– Pain reduction

– Improved immune function
– And so much more!

The power of Qi Gong doesn’t stop there though. Not only is Qi Gong an incredible preventative measure to stop ever getting sick, it can also help people who have unfortunately gotten sick already. There is a laundry list of conditions that have been cured or improved by the good folks at daohearts.com. This organisation primarily practices a specific form of Qi Gong called Zhi Neng Qi Gong which was created by Dr. Pang Ming.

Dr. Pang Ming, is a Doctor of Chinese medicine and is a Qigong Grandmaster. He studied Qi Gong under 19 different Grandmasters, and in 1979 he developed Zhi Neng Qigong as a result of his search for more powerful ways to help his patients heal. Read more about Dr. Pang here.

What is really kool about his work is the resulting scientific study that has been pioneered by Dr. Pang and others. Dr. Pang reformed traditional Chinese qigong and created Zhineng Qigong as a new qigong style, introducing its theory and methods to the public. In the spring of 1981 he taught the first national training class on sending external qi for healing, organised by the Beijing Qigong Association. At this time he also cooperated with scientists to carry out many scientific experiments to prove external qi exists as a substance. This opened a new era for qigong.

In this study involving 47,864 people the list of ailments cured or improved is very impressive. Claiming that of 3800 people suffering from being deaf, 753, about 20% of people treated were completely cured! With 3756 people, 98.8% reporting either being cured or an improvement. These are massive numbers. Qi Gong is exciting because it heals what we believe to incurable ailments. I don’t know about you but it makes sense to me that pretty much every disease in the world has a cure for it, somewhere. 

What are you waiting for? get gathering that juicy chi!

Qi Gong Energy Ball

It was quite magical how I found Qi Gong, or Qi Gong found me. Me and a friend had been partying all night and were down by the beach chatting away and suddenly this woman just appeared just down the beach from us and started meditating. You never see that in Harwich! We were so surprised we had to go speak to her. Turns out she’s been in the body/mind practice game for 25+ years and is just about to start a new Qi Gong class in my hometown. I ended up being this woman’s apprentice. Getting private tutoring with her and her partner and attending as many classes as I could and now I teach others on my travels and online, passing on the wisdom and benefits that a dedicated Qi Gong practice brings.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears as the saying goes…

Well, if you have read through so far and have thought about how Qi Gong might be for you, what are you waiting for? You don’t need to find a class in person although it is great if you can. There is loads of material online like this video which is perfect for beginners.  

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