Zhineng Qi Gong - The Next Step In Our Evolution
What Is ZhiNEng Qi Gong?
Zhi Neng Qi Gong is a specific branch of Qi Gong developed by Dr. Pang Ming. If you have never come across Qi Gong before, check out my article – What Is Qi Gong? To get an understanding of the basics. Also some free beginner videos to get you started on your Qi Gong journey.
The exact definition from the daohearts website is:
“Zhineng Qi Gong (智能气功) it is an effective Qi Gong method for healing, self-regulation, improving the level of self-cultivation and developing human potentials.”

Zhineng Qi Gong was created in the 1980’s. For over forty years, millions of people have benefited from Zhineng Qi Gong. The practice – although still unknown to so many – has spread globally.
Zhineng Qi Gong combines a meditative mind state using visualisation with physical movement and breathing. Zhineng Qi Gong also merges the essences of various styles of Qi Gong including Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist, medical Qi Gong, martial arts and folk Qi Gong with contemporary science, medicine and philosophy. Dr. Pang developed this branch of Qi Gong after years of intensive study of the different types of Qi Gong combined with his knowledge of Western medicine to provide the quickest route to good health and enhanced energy. This way we get the best of the best from all worlds, much like in my book – Spirituality, Without The Bullshit – we combine the best of the best from all the spiritual teachings. The modern world gives such a rich opportunity to combine the worlds knowledge. Exciting time to be alive.
Zhineng Qi Gong’s primary focus is the healing of the body. However, we can see this is only the beginning and the abilities able to be unlocked go much further than just restoring energy flow and healing the body. Paranormal Abilities are the next step for humanity. Maybe we used to have these abilities and for some reason lost them, or they are yet to be developed. Either way our psychic powers are dormant. Chilling until we unlock them and put them to use.
Zhi Neng Qi Gong is
– A life science based on systematic theory and methods. It outlines the laws of the universe, including those of human life. It explains the relationship between human life activity and the natural world, society, etc.
– An open style practice. This means that from the beginning, one opens one’s mind and Qi to the external world and exchanges Qi with it. This contrasts with the closed style of most traditional Qigong, where the practitioner focuses inside the body for much of their practice.
– A way of adjusting mind, Qi and body to increase wisdom and ability. Zhineng Qigong practitioners actively use consciousness to mobilise Qi in order to transform their body, Qi and mind as well as the world around them. Zhi means wisdom and neng means capability.
– Not only a technique: it has systematic theories and methods. Hunyuan Entirety Theory is the main underlying theory.
Hunyuan Entirety Theory

The Hunyuan Entirety Theory is a foundational pillar of Zhineng Qi Gong. What’s so kool is that this theory shares many similar parallels with Quantum Physics. Perhaps some of the most fascinating developments can be found once we realise that science and spirituality are talking about the same thing. Lets take a look at the similarities between Quantum Physics and Zhineng Qi Gong.
Unified Energy Field: In quantum field theory, the universe is understood through various fields that permeate all of space, where particles are merely excitations of these fields. Similarly, Hunyuan Qi can be thought of as a universal field of energy, from which all forms of matter and energy arise.
Interconnectivity: Quantum entanglement suggests that particles can be instantaneously connected despite vast distances, hinting at an underlying unity or non-duality, akin to the holistic view of Hunyuan Entirety where everything is interconnected. I have experienced this first hand when I did an online Qi Gong session with 12 people from around the world and the energy was noticeably stronger then when I would practice alone. This also gives credit to distance healing methods.
Observer Effect: Quantum mechanics famously includes the observer effect, where the act of observation affects the state of what is observed. In Zhineng Qigong, consciousness (YiYuanTi) is considered powerful and capable of influencing or transforming Hunyuan Qi, which resonates with the idea that consciousness or observation can alter physical reality. In Dr. Pang’s book – Paranormal Abilities – He discusses at length the scientific studies that were carried out to prove how the mind can have an impact on matter. Even recording moving objects with the power of the mind!
Energy and Information: In quantum theory, information is as fundamental as matter and energy. The Hunyuan theory might be interpreted as suggesting that information (in the form of consciousness or intention) can manipulate or organize energy, aligning somewhat with quantum information theory where information shapes physical systems.
Dr. Pang’s Hunyuan Qi theory categorizes existence into three layers:
Matter: The visible, physical layer of reality.
Energy: Encompasses all invisible forms of energy like heat, light, electricity, and magnetism, extending beyond Western concepts of energy.
Information: The essence or ‘being’ of things, which differentiates each entity, representing the informational layer.
In humans, these layers correspond to:
Xing: The physical body (matter).
Qi: Life force or energy, both within and around the body (energy).
Shen: Consciousness or mind, based on the informational Qi (information).
Zhineng Qigong, developed by Dr. Pang, uses these concepts through its practice methods, structured into three stages and six levels, to manipulate and harmonize these layers of Qi.
The research at the Zhineng Qigong Huaxia Centre in the 1990s explored how human consciousness can influence these Qi layers, affecting everything from plants to inanimate objects by directing universal Qi to manifest as various forms of energy.
This theory, while rooted in what might be considered paranormal abilities, aims to push the boundaries of modern science, suggesting a potential revolution in understanding life sciences through the deepening practice and research of Zhineng Qigong.

Zhineng Qigong is a scientific approach to life energy, positing that everything in the universe is composed of Qi (energy) at various levels: physical, energetic, and informational. Consciousness operates at the informational level and can influence the other levels through hunhua, a process of merging and transformation. Humans embody these three levels as body, energy, and consciousness. The practice emphasizes Mingjue, where one’s true self (Yiyuanti) awakens, leading to a state of pure, harmonious consciousness that can heal by altering qi flow and overcoming fixed mental frameworks. Zhineng Qigong involves practices aimed at unity with the universe, transforming emotions, enhancing innate qi, and developing extraordinary abilities.
What are you waiting for? get gathering that juicy chi!

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