Spirituality, without The Bullshit
Religion is boring and outdated….
The New Age is fluffy and superficial…
Where do seekers go for depth without dogma?
Illumination without deception?
Spiritual Eclecticism is the answer.
The best of all worlds, without the bullshit.
You can call it, the cherry picked way.
That’s what I teach.
THE latest
Zhineng Qi Gong For Beginners
Zhineng Qi Gong for beginners. In this introductory video, Travis Cook guides you through a basic Zhineng Qi Gong practice for you to dip your toes into the world of Qi.
How To Clear Trauma With Body Mind Practices
Clearing trauma doesn’t have to be some vague thing that happens randomly. We can consciously work on our trauma by getting in touch with our body with Body Mind Practices.
Zhi Neng Qi Gong – The Next Step In Our Evolution
Zhineng Qi Gong is a very powerful branch of Qi Gong that can not only heal the body but may very well provide the framework for the next step in the evolution of humanities consciousness.
What Is Qi Gong?
Qi Gong is amazing and can be used for so many things. Greater energy levels, pain relief, better sleep, warmer body, every bodily function works better when we have more Chi. Qi Gong is how you get more Chi!
Golden Handshake – Qi Gong Practice
Qi Gong is amazing and can be used for so many things. In this Golden Hands Qi Gong practice Travis guides you through a wonderfully relaxing and energising Qi Gong practice. Enjoy.
The Best Game In Town
Spiritual Evolution is the best game in town. It is never ending and full of rewards. These rewards are hidden behind challenges and tests, thats partly what makes them worthwhile!
EP 41: Spirituality, Without The Bullshit
In this show I give a breakdown on my latest book: Spirituality, Without The Bullshit as well as touching on Qi Gong, healing, The Spiritual Checklist, Poverty Consciousness and more.
EP 40: Spirituality To Save Humanity
In this mammoth 3 hour episode I explain why spirituality saves humanity. Grab some snacks and ride the wave. You won’t be the same person after this one.
EP 39: This Is How We Win
Find out how we win this and why we haven’t already as I take you on a journey on the 39th episode of the Open One Podcast.
EP 38: Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone Into Your Dream Life
Andrea Hunt joined me for a great chat about the digital nomad life, stepping out of your comfort zone and living your dream life.
EP 37: The Divine Human Experience
The legendary Al Killeen joined Travis Cook for episode 37 of the Open One podcast.
EP 36: Dominating Online Business – Lawrence King
Lawrence King joined Travis Cook for the 36th episode of the Open One Podcast.