What are the agendas at play to try and enslave humanity in the coming year?
Even though we have made great progress and more people are awake now than ever before, we still have a long way to go.
Everyone who is awake has to be active and aware of as much of the enemies moves as they can.
Don’t be caught in one of the many agenda’s our enemies are pushing! Enemy narratives still kicking around in 2024 that need to die.
– Oil bad – Feminism – CO2 bad – Transgenderism – Orange man bad – The war on drivers – Without Tax, muh roads!?
Now to equip you with the counter to each of these narratives, otherwise known as, the truth.
1. Oil Is Bad
Hydrocarbons (‘fossil fuels’) have contributed to the greatest collective increase of living standards worldwide and continue to do just that!
In fact if we were to completely get rid of hydrocarbons as Greta and fiends would like, there wouldn’t be much left of society!
We can see from the graph below that as both CO2 levels and fossil fuel usage has increased. so has the life expectancy!
Of course, many factors play into this, but if really both of these boogeymen were half as bad as climate fanatics suggest, surely we shouldn’t be living longer!?