About Travis Cook

Whats up seeker πŸ‘‹

I’m Travis Cook and I am here to help you evolve

Raised a spiritual orphan in Essex, England, I found God in my own way. Then with spirituality, I figured out my purpose many years ago and dedicated my life to the fulfilment of it. I travel the world learning, teaching and exploring. For bodywork I Specialise in Zhi Neng Qi Gong – which I learnt from Chinese masters – and – meditation which I self taught as well as completing the Vipassana Course in New Zealand.  

I also fucking love swearing.

I help seekers on their spiritual journey. I will help you get to the most evolved version of yourself in the quickest most efficient way, with no bullshit.

That’s why when I asked sincerely at the start of 2024 what the most effective thing I could do to create long lasting positive change the answer was a book, I wrote it and its called Spirituality, Without The Bullshit and its intention is to help people develop spiritually, efficiently. Pouring the hard earned spiritual gold and cherries from thousands of hours spiritual development over 12 years into one distilled no bullshit guide.

Tai Chi Ball

Spirituality, Without The Bullshit

Spirituality, Without The Bullshit

This cherry packed adventure features:

πŸ’ Spirituality from the heart
πŸ’ The foundational pillars of spirituality
πŸ’ Lots of cherries
πŸ’ The connection needed to never feel alone
πŸ’ Clean cheat codes to life
πŸ’ The spiritual lesson master toolkit
πŸ’ No bullshit
πŸ’ Life changing techniques
πŸ’ Master evil within and without
πŸ’ The divine hierarchy
πŸ’ Generating power from death
πŸ’ Soul aligned reality creation
πŸ’ More analogies than you can shake a cherry stick at

Connect To God Without Religion

This life changing course features:

πŸ’ The history of God
πŸ’ The history of religion in the UK
πŸ’ Lots of cherries
πŸ’ The connection needed to never feel alone
πŸ’ 8 x video lessons
πŸ’ 2 x guided meditations
πŸ’ No bullshit
πŸ’ Life changing information
πŸ’ Praying best practices
πŸ’ Unpacking the mysteries of Grace
πŸ’ How to develop a strong faith muscle
πŸ’ How to develop our own unique connection to God
πŸ’ And so much more!

Magical god being.

Practice With Travis

Travis Cook has been practicing Meditation, Zhi Neng Qi Gong and Yoga for over 12 years and has thousands of hours of practice under his belt. He practices everyday. Specialising in Zhi Neng Qi Gong – which he learnt from secret gurus and Chinese masters – and meditation which he self taught as well as completing the Vipassana Course in New Zealand. You’re in good hands with Travis. Learn from a veteran practitioner and enjoy the benefits that come from a regular body/mind practice.Β 

Dedicated students will enjoy more energy, better clarity of mind, less anxiety, better stress management, better sleep, less illness and overall a higher quality of life.Β 

Sound good? Apply to join my Soul Centre and read more about it here.

Travis Cook

Let's Go Seeker!

Content by Travis Cook

Connect With Travis Cook

X – x.com/traviscookuk
Telegram Channel – T.me/traviscookuk
Telegram Group – T.me/spiritualoutliers
Rumble – Rumble.com/user/Open1uk
Instagram – Instagram.com/traviscookuk
Email – Contact@traviscook.uk

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Learn What No Bullshit Spirituality Can Do For You.