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Many know me and have follow me for the activism. That was always emergency mode action because of the extreme dire situation.

We are still in a battle, it hasn’t finished, however having first gone into activism 10 years ago, I always knew it’s not the answer to everything. I stood up and played my role in the fight here against Covid regs. Ultimately to truly win this, I believe we need spiritual evolution, personal development. Amongst other things, but this is primarily my main focus, how I can be of best service.

Why do we need spiritual evolution, personal development?

Well its simple really, we need people to be the best they can be, to be as close to a divine framework on how to live because there would be no point in storming parliament, hanging the politicians because then fucking what?

Who becomes the leadership/admin? Are we ready to run a country?

I’ve witnessed the dark side of activism first hand, some people are not yet evolved enough to handle working together in a coherent way and get caught in their lower ego marred in selfishness, lack of morality. Focusing on all the problems out there, without developing themselves on the inside. Trust was very hard to come by when organising the leaders of the UK activist movement.

Even with this, we achieved amazing things there is no doubt about that. I truly believe what the UK activists did here had repercussions around the world. To this day I believe it pisses off certain groups how rebellious we are.

There may come a time again where activism is required en mass, even now it’s still useful in its localised forms. Local outreach and informing the people on the different problems with this system and government legislation would still be a positive thing.

I still believe fluoride in the water supplies to be an issue to focus on and draw light to. If one still has the fire of activism burning strong within them, this would be what I would advise to become educated on and draw attention to.

This, like covid regs, is something that would affect everyone here.

The reason I believe it’s the most important issue right now though, is because of the impact fluoride has on spiritual development, interfering with the glands in the brain associated with our connection to the spiritual world.

If all the food here is grown with fluoridated water, doesn’t matter if your at home filtration system is in place, it’s in the food. GMO food attempted to be being rolled out would be secondary concern also. Slightly easier to avoid but still would have a great negative effect on the people here.

What is spiritual evolution you may ask, well you know what personal development is, everyone does. Spiritual evolution is the upper end of personal development. Both go hand in hand. To evolve spiritually it is greatly assisted by having a body as strong, healthy, energised as it can be. This is why I am a great proponent of exercise, and work out nearly every day.

How is spiritual evolution different to personal development? What exactly is spiritual evolution?

To begin to get into this we can look at the individual as made up of a few different aspects, physical/mental/emotional/spiritual. I expand on this in my article, raising your vibration.

Personal development usually would be the focus on the physical, mental, emotional parts of our being. Whilst spiritual evolution, you guessed it, focuses on the spiritual. In my eyes this is where the juiciest progression is made, where the occult secrets of this reality and being a human are kept. Synchronicity and the law of confusion keep many from being interested in this part, for good reason probably, one has to prove themselves worthy for the exciting juicy bits of this world.

To evolve spiritually is a huge topic in of itself.  I have an entire course on this being developed as well as more free material in the forms of articles, videos. I am available for free email consultations or you can book a zoom call with me to get set up with some coaching if the calling to a higher way of being is something you are interested in.

I believe that when people spiritually evolve they, over time, naturally gravitate to the higher laws of this reality set out by God. They develop a morality system that comes from experience from dealing with people and seeing what works long term. Some get lost along the way, caught in rabbit holes or stuck on a certain lesson, unable to progress beyond for years. For those that continue to learn in balanced way, continue to prove themselves worthy in the eyes of the divine then they are granted ‘more’ free will to have more of an impact here. Getting caught in the upward spiral.

They also are easier to trust because people who evolve spiritually can see that by going against their morales, their principles, it hinders their spiritual evolution. Integrity is the divine way and God is always watching, everything is seen.

This is how I believe we achieve a more harmonious world in the longer term. So for now its imperative we continue to not comply wherever we can,  spread the truth of what’s going on here with the corruption of our government and way of life, but ultimately remember the greatest change one can make, begins with ourself.

Stay free, stay powerful friends.


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