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Italians protested endlessly for months through the height of the Covid madness…

It seemed dire in Italy in some parts where old ladies were being refused public transport unless they had the green pass and could prove vaccination and compliance with the Covid narrative.

However the new government over there is actually making steps in the right direction, could the new PM of Italy actually be a force for good?

Well with the unvaccinated health care workers in Italy being reemployed it seems the trend is heading in the right direction.

The brave freedom fighters of Italy deserve some credit for the huge amount of resistance they put up to the Covid tyranny.

I have posted countless videos and photos on the Open One Instagram of what has been going on over there so big ups to the Italian freedom fighters for this victory!

Also big ups to all of the brave healthcare workers who stood up for what they believe to be the right thing to do, resisting the huge societal pressure to get the vaccine.

Italian doctors and nurses suspended from work because they are not vaccinated against Covid-19 will soon be reinstated, new Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said on Friday.

So now the critical mass point seems to be reaching human consciousness on the Covid scam, perhaps we can steer the ship towards the next big agenda, The Climate Con!

This next agenda has been in the works for quite some time and will take a great deal of effort to deprogram people. We continue on.

Also it’s important we look after our own well being throughout this. We are surely in for a marathon of a fight, self care is how we maintain our well being, state of mind and overall energy levels to continue to be a beacon of freedom.

This is why now I continually advocate for the benefits of meditation, exercise, positive programming and so on.

So freedom fighters like you can be in the best possible shape to resist the enemies agenda.

Stay strong, stay free.



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