Integrity - The Ultimate Barometer Of Spiritual Development

Integrity is the ultimate indicator of spiritual growth. Truly, when we figure out how integrity works in this world, to not act with integrity all the time seems fucking stupid! It’s not about being perfect, and it’s not about following arbitrary rules to look good in front of others. It’s about living in alignment with what you know is right, no matter who’s watching, no matter what’s at stake. If you’re not walking your talk, if your actions don’t match your beliefs, then your spiritual growth is superficial at best. Integrity strips away the bullshit and reveals the truth about who you are and where you really stand on your spiritual journey. It’s also how God tests us so we can prove worthy of higher levels of power. To put it simply, develop morally to become more powerful.

What you want is some good, clean, honest cheat codes..

They exist, and the cheat codes of reality are available to all. However, the only way is to prove yourself worthy in the eyes of God and the Divine Hierarchy. This takes time. The rate of your learning lessons depends on you. Thankfully for your soul’s development, there are no skipping lessons. The same lesson can repeat itself time and time again in many different ways until you finally get it. Even then, along the track, there will be refresher lessons to ensure you haven’t forgotten.

Spiritual development is about making sure that what you believe inside is reflected in how you act outside. When you move in alignment with your values, there’s no inner conflict. You’re not torn between who you are and what you do. That’s integrity, and without it, all the spiritual knowledge in the world won’t mean shit. It’s the ground you stand on, the true measure of how far you’ve come.

The foundation of integrity starts with self-awareness. You need to know yourself—your motives, your desires, your weaknesses—and face them honestly. This self awareness is first developed with techniques like body scan meditation, I have a free MP3 you can download here to get started. If you’re lying to yourself, you can’t be in integrity. Self-deception leads to all kinds of spiritual dead-ends, no matter how enlightened you try to appear on the surface. This is where spiritual development truly begins: with an honest, no-excuses evaluation of where you’re at and what’s driving your actions. Not living to your full potential, not doing the work you know needs to be done can lead to anxiety. Whilst consistently living to your potential creates a core of confidence.

Once you’re clear on your inner truths, the next step is making sure they show up in your actions. Integrity is living in a way that aligns with your values, even when it’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, or costly. This isn’t about following a spiritual trend or doing what looks good—it’s about doing what’s right because you know it’s right. There’s no wiggle room for bending the truth or cutting corners just because it’s easier. Real integrity holds firm, even when the stakes are high, even when nobody is watching, because truly, everything is seen!

A key aspect of spiritual maturity is responsibility. Every action you take has consequences, and spiritually evolved people get that. They understand that their choices don’t just affect them—they ripple out into the world, impacting others, shaping environments, and contributing to collective consciousness. Taking responsibility for the energy you put into the world, the words you speak, and the actions you take is part of owning your spiritual path. If you dodge responsibility, you’re not living with integrity, and you’re certainly not evolving spiritually. Every thought we have tells a story about ourselves. Even more telling can be the thought we have about a thought, ever thought about that?

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: Integrity doesn’t always make you popular, and it doesn’t guarantee things will go smoothly. Sometimes standing in your truth means facing backlash, losing relationships, or walking a harder path. Any of you brave truthers that stood to your guns throughout Covid know what I am talking about. But that’s the real test of spiritual growth—what do you do when sticking to your values costs you? Do you cave in and take the easier road, or do you stay aligned with your deeper knowing? Integrity is about having the backbone to do what’s right, even when there’s no reward in sight.

It’s also worth pointing out that integrity isn’t just about being honest with others. It’s about being honest with yourself. If you’re avoiding uncomfortable truths or rationalising behaviours that go against your values, you’re out of alignment. Integrity demands that you face your own shadows, address your blind spots, and clean up any inner messes that keep you from walking the path you claim to be on. Growth requires work, and pretending you’ve got it all figured out won’t take you very far. Are you living in integrity if you are not living to your maximum potential?

Gentlemen Of Integrity

One of the most telling aspects of integrity is consistency. It’s easy to talk about being spiritual or to act enlightened when things are going well. But what about when life gets tough? Do you stick to your principles, or do you let stress, fear, or anger push you out of alignment? Integrity shows up in the hardest moments. It’s not about being perfect, but about consistently making the effort to stay true to who you are and what you stand for. To act 100% with integrity after we understand the principle is the goal. 

At its core, integrity is about integration. It’s the process of bringing every part of yourself into harmony—your thoughts, your emotions, your actions, your beliefs. When you’re in integrity, there’s no disconnect between who you are on the inside and how you show up in the world. You’re a unified whole, not someone playing different roles to fit in or please others. This is what real spiritual growth looks like: a deep, unwavering alignment that guides every aspect of your life. Becoming more wise, more powerful and closer to our higher nature as much as possible.

The truth is, without integrity, spiritual growth is just a façade. You can meditate, chant, read every spiritual book out there, and have mystical experiences—but if your life doesn’t reflect your values, you’re not evolving. Moral development is crucial for spiritual development to be able to handle the power that comes with becoming a more evolved being. This is why I put Integrity right at the top of The Framework in Chapter 4 of my latest book, Spirituality, Without The Bullshit. Integrity is the backbone of spiritual development because it’s the one thing that keeps you real. It’s not glamorous, but it’s the ultimate test of whether your spiritual journey is genuine or just a show.

In the end, integrity is what grounds you in your spiritual practice. It’s the quiet voice that keeps you honest, the anchor that keeps you aligned with your highest values. Without it, you’ll drift, and your spiritual growth will be shallow. But when integrity is at the core of everything you do, you’ll find that the path of spiritual development becomes clearer, deeper, and far more rewarding. It’s not about how you appear to others—it’s about who you truly are when no one’s watching. And that’s the only measure of spiritual growth that really matters.

Integrity Test

Do what is right, even when nobody is watching

What follows is an extract from the Integrity section of Chapter 4 – The Framework – Spirituality, Without The Bullshit. 🍒

This is so crucial and extends into many parts of our society. If enough people sincerely lived by the solid principle of integrity, that alone would shift the balance back in our favor.

Everything is seen. On levels of existence above this one, nothing is hidden. Do you think those thoughts, feelings, and intentions you have are hidden from God and the Divine Hierarchy? Ha! Think again. If you’re good, you may be able to hide your intentions from another human. But nothing is hidden from God and the Divine Hierarchy.

Integrity acts as the barometer of your moral development. You can trade progression on the spiritual path by undercutting someone else, and you may very well see some benefits from doing this in the short term. Your material wealth may increase, and you may indulge in sensory pleasures that you know you shouldn’t. Nobody caught you when you cheated on your partner who is committed to you and sticking to the monogamy agreement in a ‘loving’ relationship. So, who cares, right? What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right?

Wrong! On one level, their soul feels it. Their energy body is being muddied with impure intentions. Lies may satisfy one part of their mind, but another suffers. Most people are better than they think at detecting lies anyway. The ones who suffer the most are good souls who lie and break away from integrity. Souls that lie, cheat, and hurt others.

It may take a while. There’s no rush—spiritual development spans lifetimes. Take as long as you like to learn lessons, although the lessons may become more painful until you learn them. There are always those at the top of the class and those at the bottom.

If those with good souls wish to experience the maximum potential available to them in this lifetime, and all the incredible, amazing things that come from God knowing it can trust you, better start acting with integrity as soon as possible!

Integrity tests will manifest in different ways for everyone. Our journeys are unique, even if the divine framework applies to us all. Spirituality without the bullshit leaves behind the “do as I say or else” approach and replaces it with:

There are amazing opportunities, vibes, thoughts, living standards, levels of power, and influence that are waiting for you to prove yourself worthy to attain. However, you have to prove yourself worthy to attain them!

Sure, you could go down the evil path, trade your soul’s freedom and free will, max out the credit card at the bank of Satan, and attain all the wildest materialistic dreams and desires you can imagine. That debt will have to be repaid at some point, unless you fully commit to the evil path and become a part of the psychopathic club that makes up the upper part of the Matrix Control System. Do you want that though?

Fuck no! 

They exist, and the cheat codes of reality are available to all. However, the only way is to prove yourself worthy in the eyes of God and the Divine Hierarchy. This takes time. The rate of your learning lessons depends on you.

Thankfully for your soul’s development, there are no skipping lessons. The same lesson can repeat itself time and time again in many different ways until you finally get it. Even then, along the track, there will be refresher lessons to ensure you haven’t forgotten.

What is kool is there are thresholds to cross. When you make enough progress, you go up a level. Keep in mind, though, this is a one-way trip. When you sincerely commit, the only way is up. Before or during the crossing of a threshold can be when things are the most difficult. Keep going! The difficulty is because it is a one-way street, and you won’t have the wiggle room to act in ways you did before and get away with it. The spiritual framework is there for a good reason—the tests are there for our safety!

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Once you discover and integrate the integrity principle and come to the understanding that everything is seen, to not act with integrity isn’t an option! However it’s about getting ourselves evolved and knowledgeable enough to reach that point. Then it’s sincerity and dedication that keep us on the righteous path of integrity. All of this is a lot easier when we develop ourselves holistically.

This is why I have set up a Spiritual Gym for anyone who is serious about taking their journey to the next level. Applications are now open and you can sign up here.

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