6 Life Changing Benefits Of A Qi Gong Practice

Qi Gong is spreading to the west in a big way for good reason. This technique has been around for thousands of years, it’s stood the test of time. Qi Gong holds a unique place as a practice that integrates the health of the body with the expansion of consciousness. We understand that the body is not separate from the higher realms of spirit. Rather, it is the temple through which spiritual energies can flow, harmonise, and elevate the entire being. In this sense, Qi Gong becomes a sacred tool – one that cultivates our life force energy (Qi), brings health to the body, and opens the path to deeper spiritual awareness

Zhineng Qi Gong Practitioners

Qi Gong Benefit One: Increased Strength, Vitality, and energy levels

Qi, the life force that animates all living things, is fundamental to our health and vitality. Our bodies are vessels for spiritual energy. When Qi flows harmoniously within us, it nourishes the organs, clears blockages, and revitalizes every cell. But when this flow becomes stagnant or blocked, it can manifest as physical illness or emotional distress.

Qi Gong works directly with this life force, guiding it through the meridians and energy centres of the body. Each movement in Qi Gong is purposeful, designed to open pathways for the unobstructed flow of Qi. As you engage in the practice, you begin to experience a profound shift in your vitality—your body feels lighter, stronger, and more resilient. With more Qi available, you develop the capacity for greater endurance and a deeper sense of well-being. This health of the body is a reflection of your energetic health, and as the flow of Qi strengthens, you become aligned with the rhythms of nature and the cosmos.

You ever see those karate masters that can chop through multiple bricks in seemingly superhuman feats? It’s Qi that they’re using! You can too. Even if you don’t feel like smashing up a load of bricks for no reason, extra strength, vitality, and durability will go far in just about everything.

Qi Gong Benefit Two: Embodiment - More connected to and In Touch With Body

Girl Playing With Energy

With Qi Gong there is a lot of body movement involved. Although usually the postures are easier than some of the more complex Yoga poses. Still, any practice that involves body movement improves embodiment. Embodiment is where our soul is happily seated in our body and we feel alive and grounded. When this isn’t the case, if the soul has been partially cast out from the body wether thats from toxic drug use or excessive trauma all sorts of things start to go wrong. 

Adding to this is that certain evil forces have figured out that a collective sum of peoples that loath themselves, are disembodied and mentally disempowered are far easier to control, we can see how trauma has been used as weapon to control the population. 

To counter this we do can do Qi Gong to clear trauma by becoming more embodied. Moving your body and putting your attention in parts of the body outside the help moves your attention and consciousness outside of the head. Although it seems like we think in the head, it’s only our brain that’s there. Powerful, but not the mind. Because of our modern world, the agenda of evil, and the disembodying aspects of it leading to an epidemic of people living from the head,  Therefore it is important to consistently get our consciousness moving outside of the head and into the body to connect deeper to ourselves.

Qi Gong Benefit Three: Brings you closer to your higher self and higher positive beings and forces

When you get far enough with your understanding of the body a natural conclusion to come to is that we are actually made up of energy or frequency. Specially when we factor in how we are made up of atoms and they are supposedly 99% empty space!? So we’re frequency and higher positive beings, including our higher self, are operating on levels of frequency above our own. These higher vibe beings on our side are always ready and waiting to help us out when we need it. However, due to our dense vibes it can be a challenge for us to reach out and above to the higher realms. This dense vibe has many hinderances however it also serves as a safety barrier function because of our reality creation abilities and what a mess it would be if every thought we had instantly manifests when we have sloppy thinking.

With a consistent Qi Gong practice what starts to happen is you increase your capacity for handling Qi flowing in the body. When this is done in tandem with or after a lot of shadow work, this clears the vessel of the lower dense vibes and evolves the being with ever higher vibes being able to be unlocked. The higher your vibe the closer you are to the higher positive forces who are vibrating at much higher frequencies than us. Qi Gong serves as a bridge between the mundane and the divine, guiding the you toward the hidden dimensions of your inner being. This is why combining energy practices and meditations with prayer is an extremely powerful combination. If you are new to praying and don’t have a solid connection to God I have a course specifically designed for you! 

Ultimately Qi Gong not only helps you become more grounded and comfortable in your own body, Qi Gong also contains the keys to unlocking deeper layers of the self—those that are entwined with the universal forces governing creation and all of the other higher positive beings on the divine hierarchy that for otherwise our vibes would be to low and dense for any meaningful communications or interactions.

Qi Gong Benefit Four: Emotional balance and inner peace

Energy Flow Meridians

With a consistent Qi Gong practice you will melt away any of the aches and pains in your body and with this new found internal freedom, you will start to feel more comfortable in your own skin. You can even in the moment of an annoying headache, for example, use Qi Gong to melt a headache away like I teach in this practice here. Basically, with more Qi in the body and from building up your capacity to carry and have flow around your body more Qi, everything in the body works better and continually evolves to become a better version of itself. Provided you are consistent, do the work and provide the Qi for the body to use. 

Zhineng Qi Gong is all about merging the best of Qi Gong but also science with spirituality. In that intention it’s also useful to go through some of the biological changes that happen in your body when you consistently focus the mind in a positive way.

How Qi Gong can effect the body


The amygdala tends to shrink in response to consistent Qi Gong practice. The amygdala is responsible for the fight-or-flight response, and its size correlates with stress and anxiety levels. Qi Gong has been found to reduce the activity and size of the amygdala, leading to better emotional regulation and reduced anxiety. I noticed when I first got into body/mind practices on a daily basis that my anxiety around people would decrease. Most of the time for me it’s not that much anyway especially around friends however even with a low level of anxiety you can even reduce this further. Of course someone who suffers a lot from anxiety would benefit massively from a dedicated Qi Gong practice. 

Prefrontal Cortex

While the amygdala shrinks, the prefrontal cortex, associated with higher cognitive functions like attention, decision-making, and emotional control, tends to thicken. This region helps with mindful awareness and emotional regulation, which are essential in reducing anxiety.

“On the basis of systematic reviews of the functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging studies that have been published to date, Tang et al. summarized that the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal frontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, insula, striatum (caudate and putamen), and amygdala seem to show consistent changes associated with mindfulness meditation.”


Another brain region positively affected by Qi Gong is the hippocampus, which is involved in memory and learning. Meditation has been found to increase gray matter density in this area, which helps in managing stress and anxiety.

“Studies have also shown that moderate to severe stress seems to increase the volume of the amygdala but reduce the volume of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Mindfulness training, however, has been shown to enhance gray-matter density in the hippocampus and to attenuate perceived stress that was correlated with reductions in amygdala gray-matter density.

These findings suggest that mindfulness meditation might be a potential intervention and prevention strategy for emotion regulation. Mindfulness meditation might also directly modulate stress reactions in the brain via a “bottom-up” pathway, through which it alters the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary and HPA axes by increasing activity in the parasympathetic nervous system and counteracting activation of the sympathetic nervous system from stress responses to, subsequently, decrease stress-associated mood symptoms”.

Parasympathetic nervous system

Something really amazing that you unlock when you go deep enough for long enough with a Qi Gong practice is that you will start to activate the parasympathetic nervous system more and more. A very key tell tale sign of this is when the mouth randomly starts to salivate followed by feelings of peace and serenity. More advanced practitioners will experience this coinciding with powerful energy flows and rushes throughout the body. The overall experience is very pleasant and obviously makes us want to practice even more!

“Qi Gong can affect psychological state, influence the neuroendocrine system, and exert effects on immune cells. This mind-body training has been reported to improve immune functions by stimulating the homeostasis of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve systems through hypothalamic action”.

Qi Gong Benefit Five: Heightened spiritual awareness

Qi Gong is a profound gateway to heightened spiritual awareness. As you move with intention, the flow of Qi – the life force – awakens the body’s inner energies, harmonising them with the rhythms of the universe. Each movement, subtle and deliberate, is designed to quiet the mind, open the energy pathways, and refine your vital forces, creating a direct channel to the deeper layers of the self. Qi Gong helps you to remove all of the gunk thats dimming your divine spiritual light.

Qi Gong acts as a conduit between the physical world and the spiritual realm, awakening dormant forces within and connecting both body and consciousness to deeper, unseen layers of existence. With each mindful movement and breath, the physical self aligns with higher frequencies, opening a pathway to spiritual awareness. Beyond restoring balance to the body, Qi Gong fine-tunes your sensitivity to the subtle energies that permeate you and the universe. As these energies circulate, they heighten your sense of connection to the greater spiritual forces at work, allowing deeper awareness and inner clarity to unfold. New insights and feeling great are some great side effects. In this heightened state, you’re not merely grounded in your body but fully integrated with the larger flow of the cosmos, where Qi Gong becomes a dynamic process of spiritual awakening, leading to elevated consciousness and a profound understanding of your place in the divine hierarchy.

Qi Gong Benefit Six: Self Healing And Paranormal abilities

There are so many benefits from engaging in a sincere Qi Gong practice. 

A good way to look at Qi is like one the currencies of the body. Your body will spend Qi on all of the different processes throughout your body whether it is the synthesization of new cells, absorbing nutrients from food, regulating hormones and more. 

A dedicated Qi Gong practice will see you enjoy:

– Stress reduction

– Improved energy levels

– Greater clarity of mind

– Improved memory

– Falling asleep faster

– Better quality of sleep
– Able to reenergise after a bad nights sleep

– Better digestion 

– Pain reduction

– Improved resilience to modern day toxins
– Improved immune function
– Deeper connection on your spiritual path

– And so much more! 

The power of Qi Gong doesn’t stop there though. Not only is Qi Gong an incredible preventative measure to stop ever getting sick, it can also help people who have unfortunately gotten sick already. There is a laundry list of conditions that have been cured or improved by the good folks at daohearts.com. This organisation primarily practices a specific form of Qi Gong called Zhi Neng Qi Gong which was created by Dr. Pang Ming.

Dr. Pang Ming, is a Doctor of Chinese medicine and is a Qigong Grandmaster. He studied Qi Gong under 19 different Grandmasters, and in 1979 he developed Zhi Neng Qigong as a result of his search for more powerful ways to help his patients heal. Read more about Dr. Pang here.

What is really kool about his work is the resulting scientific study that has been pioneered by Dr. Pang and others. Dr. Pang reformed traditional Chinese qigong and created Zhineng Qigong as a new qigong style, introducing its theory and methods to the public. In the spring of 1981 he taught the first national training class on sending external qi for healing, organised by the Beijing Qigong Association. At this time he also cooperated with scientists to carry out many scientific experiments to prove external qi exists as a substance. This opened a new era for qigong.

In this study involving 47,864 people the list of ailments cured or improved is very impressive. Claiming that of 3800 people suffering from being deaf, 753, about 20% of people treated were completely cured! With 3756 people, 98.8% reporting either being cured or an improvement. These are massive numbers. Qi Gong is exciting because it heals what we believe to incurable ailments. I don’t know about you but it makes sense to me that pretty much every disease in the world has a cure for it, somewhere. 

I cover psychic powers in my article on Healing, Clairvoyance And New Age Fallacies but also more in depth in the last chapter of my latest book, Spirituality, Without The Bullshit. Available exclusively via my website. You won’t find these cherries anywhere else! 🍒

Let's Go Spiritual Warrior And Get Gathering That Juicy Qi!

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Dressing Gown Gong

Dressing Gown Gong

Zhi Neng Qi Gong is an amazing modality that is changing millions of lives all around the world. This doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun with it along the way.

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