Being The Light In The Darkness…
Being the light in the darkness! Someone has to counter the negativity of this word, is that person you?
Business insights and articles written by our team of world-class professionals
Being the light in the darkness! Someone has to counter the negativity of this word, is that person you?
Adrian Rides joined Travis Cook for episode 31 of the Open One podcast for a great discussion on meditation, mindfulness and consciousness.
Wow! 30 podcast episodes, what a journey. In this show I talk about what happens when we die and share knowledge on meditation.
What happens when we die? Is there an afterlife, or is it the end? Did we choose our parents!?
For those that have, more shall be given. Why is this the case? It’s a fascinating philosophical phenomena of life.
You don’t have to meditate everyday for the rest of your life! There are many misconceptions surrounding meditation and how it should be done.
Jenna Platt joined Travis Cook on the Open One Podcast, this time in person in her podcast van!
Jack Tatchell joined Travis Cook on the Open One Podcast for a discussion on what it takes to be the best man we can be.
During a call with a client yesterday I was asked, how do you connect to God? Brilliant question and it got me thinking, this video is the result of that thinking.